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I have just completed a formated recovery and downloaded malwarebytes,avast,firefox and a removal tool for norton( have removed norton antivirus but norton firewall is still there).

Before I start loading up my limited hard drive with all the windows updates and service packs is there any way to remove all the junk that came with my walmart special.

I have an hp pavillian a305w,with a 40gig harddrive. there seams to be a lot of crap on here that is unneccesary. I would like to set this up for limited use, a few games and checking email. maby as the slave for the printer on my network.

Thanks in advance for your help and expertise

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I ran in to an issue with windows update and contacted Microsoft Support. They were kind enough to resolve my networking problems.

Thank you for your response, I no longer have an issue to resolve regarding networking.

Thanks for your help, If I find any other issues I will begin another topic.

Again thank you, Art

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You are quite welcome, I appreciate the follow-up to let me know everything is working well for you.

If you have any other questions or issues arise in the future please do not hesitate to create a new topic describing your issue in detail. A friendly forum helper will be glad to assist you.

Thank you very much! :)

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