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Firefox Browser Crashes


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Hi, avon4u:

We would need a bit more info in order to better assist you (e.g. what version of Fx, what extensions, what OS, other hardware info, etc).

In the interim, you might find this article about Firefox Crashes from the Mozillazine KB helpful.

It contains some basic troubleshooting and diagnostic steps.

You might also wish to submit your problems to the Mozillazine User Forum, where the Fx gurus hang out. ;)

There is another support forum for Fx at the Mozilla.org website, as well.



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That happens from time to time with their servers.

Try this: go to the forum page in the link I provided; then click "login" in the upper right corner (or, if you have not yet registered there previously, click "register").

That will usually bypass the false-positive IP block and allow you to login. :)

EDIT: If that doesn't work, then you WILL need to contact the forum admin to get your IP unblocked.

Or, just try the support section in the mozilla.org site (the other link I provided in my original reply).



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Where would KB article be located???

The KB article is at the link I provided in Reply #5 in this topic (see screen shot below). :)

Here it is again - you just need to click on the link (either in that reply or here) to go directly to the KB article: http://kb.mozillazin...Firefox_crashes :)

EDIT: I see that you have already received a reply from an expert at the MZ forum. Please follow his advice to complete the standard, general diagnostics for Firefox, as referenced here: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Standard_diagnostic_-_Firefox

(The other article I already mentioned might also be helpful.)




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Yes, both articles (the one I mentioned and the one to which Malliz referred you in your topic at the MZ forums) are "kb" articles.

"KB" just means "Knowledge Base" - you might think of it as a reference library.

I referred you to the article about "Firefox Crashes" and Malliz referred you to the "Standard Diagnostic" article.

They are both "KB" articles.

To minimize confusion, it would be advisable to follow the advice of the Fx expert in your other topic at the MZ forums. :)

The link to your topic is here: http://forums.mozill...?f=38&t=2409683




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