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www.sexygranny.com - am I infected?

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For the last couple of weeks I get a pop-up window appearing (from AVG) every so often saying that it has blocked a number of threats. These are generally slightly different each time, but, normally refer to things like.....

  • www.sexygranny.com
  • sexoruby.com
  • dfporn.com

These all seem to be genuine sites (which I've never visited - honest!)

I have run several AVG scans and several Malwarebtytes scans and nothing shows up. Not sure if this is harmful, but, it is certainly irritating.

Anyone any ideas what I can do to remove?

For the last couple of weeks I get a pop-up window appearing (from AVG) every so often saying that it has blocked a number of threats. These are generally slightly different each time, but, normally refer to things like.....

  • www.sexygranny.com
  • sexoruby.com
  • dfporn.com

These all seem to be genuine sites (which I've never visited - honest!)

I have run several AVG scans and several Malwarebtytes scans and nothing shows up. Not sure if this is harmful, but, it is certainly irritating.

Anyone any ideas what I can do to remove?


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