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The is a false positive. I'm sure of it because it hosts my websites bullyingnews.com, illegalaliensarrested.com, and biologicalterroralert.com none of which contain malware. I know this because I built those sites, if a website owned by someone else on the same IP is distributing malware please remove the IP block and replace it with a block on just their domain please.

I would also like to know how to add an IP address to the Ignore List without having to click on the notification when it pops up because it doesn't always pop-up and no matter what I click on I've never gotten an option to add the ip to the Ignore List, but I shouldn't have to do that because there should be a textbox on either the Ignore List or the menu that pops up when add is clicked. Please add a textbox to the add feature of the Ignore List so I can just paste it in.

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My apologies for missing your post. This is not an F/P. This IP is blocked because it falls within a Serverius IP range that is housing a plethora of abuse (we don't currently support domain blocking).

At present, the tray is the only way to add an IP to the ignore list.

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