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says completed then says cant exit scan in progress

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Ever since I upgraded to Pro, I have the following problem:

Windows XP.

I update antimalware pro.

Scan which says it completes, then says click on show results for problems.

Always the same two non-problems, I have Security Center no antivirus warning and no updates.

I set ignore them.

I try to exit, but it says a scan is in progress do I really want to exit.

Also in this state when I click on other tabs, it just does nothing.

I am not running any other application.

Is it actually doing something for an eternal time or is it hung up?

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Hi, trudyjh:

A Quick scan should only take a few minutes on most systems, but it depends on several factors.

Until one of the experts stops by, please have a look at this FAQ - Section L article about scans that freeze and crash.

It will provide some basic troubleshooting steps.

Please let us know if it resolves your issue.

(The experts might need some additional info about your system if it doesn't.)



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Thanks. I have never had the free version hang, and the Pro version only hangs if I say ignore instead of remove, so I don't think this problem matches the hang scenarios you pointed me at.

What baffles me is what is it doing -

1. Does the Pro version start a rescan after I tell it to ignore items (but without telling me it is doing a rescan)? The non-Pro version does not seem to do that. Even if it were rescanning, surely it ought to let me abort out?

2. Or is it hung in some other fashion because of the ignore - If I say remove instead, it completes in a nanosecond. I personally think it is hanging and this is a bug, or it has started a rescan for some unknown reason without telling the user and without letting them stop it.

Unfortunately, I have been going round and round with Support, which is not reading my questions/information carefully and is making me sorry I bought the pro version.

A scan normally takes a half an hour on my older system. That has been true ever since I started using the free version a year or so ago.

Thanks if anyone can provide a clue. I think it is broken and Malwarebytes has no interest in the bug report, myself.

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  • Staff

Hello trudyjh

I set ignore them.

I try to exit, but it says a scan is in progress do I really want to exit.

Click Remove Selected at the end of the scan even if nothing is left. That signals the GUI that work with the scan is complete. If you just try to exit after adding all items detected to the Ignore List, the scanner will give you the message "A scan is currently in progress. Are you sure you want to close Malwarebytes Anti-Malware?". Here, click Yes. Or, read on...

If you click No to that message, then the scanner does not yet consider it's tasks completed, and the other tabs are not accessible just as they are not accessible while the scan is actively ongoing. At this point, either exit the program, or click Remove Selected. If you added all detected items to Ignore, you should see a message "No items left to remove" and the GUI will be free again.

Quick Scan, the default selection, is generally all that's needed for locating active infection.

Let me know if that addresses your concerns.

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