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Don't worry about this. This is the Norton Product tamper protection causing this. The tamper protection by Norton is an extra protection where Norton monitors its own files for modifying/accessing. This because a lot of malware tries to end Antivirus or tries to modify their files.

So when malwarebytes scans, it actually accesses the norton process/files in order to scan them and Norton sees this as an "access" attempt and blocks mbam from scanning(accessing) the Norton files. The norton tamper protection will act the same for any other scanner that is trying to scan its files - or any other program that tries to get access to them. I believe even when you would run Windows defrag, the Norton tamper protection will also act upon this.

This extra tamper protection doesn't interfere in any way with Malwarebytes (scan) though (or vice versa), it just doesn't allow mbam to scan Nortons own files.

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  • Staff

No, there's not unfortunately. This is how the Norton Tamper protection is designed. Even when added to the mbam ignore list, The Norton tamper protection intercepts this (which is good, because this means Norton acts powerful against accessing its files). But as I said, this doesn't affect mbam or Norton in either way.

Also see here: http://community.norton.com/t5/Norton-Internet-Security-Norton/Selectively-disabling-Norton-Product-Tamper-Protection/td-p/239386

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