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Website Blocking notifications no longer occurring

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Hi - I'm new here, thank god there is a community and a program as good as malwarebytes out there -

I go to a site that streams some live tv channels (like for sports in other parts of the world) - before, mbam would show it was blocking malicious websites, and it made me feel obviously secure that i could watch cricket and know that i'm protected in a way. Well recently - i don't know if some virus found its way, but in my malware scan - i got rogue.multiple found in the scan, i promptly removed it, and went along with my business. Now this same website i stream sports from, no longer has notifications popping up from mbam which is concerning to me - i ran a scan, and nothing came up. I am in the process of running a scan with spybot SD now too.

Is there something amiss? or what may have happened, is MBAM being manipulated by another virus/trojan/etc. or the one mentioned above? Please let me know - thanks again for your time and help. Cybersecurity is no joke for sure, and am glad there are good guys in the war so to speak.


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You're not the only one, Seems like there's a glitch in the program. I asked the question before, but no response.

I've tried uninstalling it with their method they suggested but doesn't seem to fix the ongoing issue.

Malwarebytes needs to step up their game.

Hey thanks for your response, so they're working on it or really haven't addressed the issue - is their a link for their method - i'll try it if i can, interestingly, i used their test website to see if then notifications were working, and it did pop up a notification, so ?

will have to wait and see i guess.

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