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I have noticed that whenever I right click on a file for a context menu scan, MBAM starts the scan by saying "enumerating registry objects....", as it does for a quick or full scan.

This is unnecessary if only a few files are being scanned on demand.

I think you should simplify the context menu scanning.

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  • Root Admin

Hello trojkilla,

The scanning process doesn't actually work that way. What you're anticipating is a flat file scan which your Anti-Virus would be better suited for. We try to detect and remove current infections not flat files, though we do detect many that is not what MBAM is really designed for. Rarely do you have an infection from a file that does not have some link back to the registry as it would have almost no way to activate, thus scanning the registry is a very important part of the detection routine.

Please see the following post for a little more information on scanning.

Thank you

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Hello trojkilla,

The scanning process doesn't actually work that way. What you're anticipating is a flat file scan which your Anti-Virus would be better suited for. We try to detect and remove current infections not flat files, though we do detect many that is not what MBAM is really designed for. Rarely do you have an infection from a file that does not have some link back to the registry as it would have almost no way to activate, thus scanning the registry is a very important part of the detection routine.

Please see the following post for a little more information on scanning.

Thank you


I stand corrected. :);)

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