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Just in case any of you are unfortunate enough to have paid for the "new and improved" Trend Micro Titanium anti whatever software, please see screen capture below to be a totally bogus Trend Micro Titanium message. The Trend Micro Software seems to think that the mbam-clean executable is a threat!

Not that I am in any affiliated with the Malwarebytes company but, subject to all the official screening and editing of these Forum posts, I can almost assure you all that the mbam-clean executable is not the Fake Trojan that Trend Micro would have us believe!


The only threat to Trend Micro is their constant inability to produce a decent software product. That and Malwarebytes of course!

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Just in case any of you are unfortunate enough to have paid for the "new and improved" Trend Micro Titanium anti whatever software, please see screen capture below to be a totally bogus Trend Micro Titanium message. The Trend Micro Software seems to think that the mbam-clean executable is a threat!

Not that I am in any affiliated with the Malwarebytes company but, subject to all the official screening and editing of these Forum posts, I can almost assure you all that the mbam-clean executable is not the Fake Trojan that Trend Micro would have us believe!

The only threat to Trend Micro is their constant inability to produce a decent software product. That and Malwarebytes of course!

Yes, its a False Positive.

TrendMicro does make a decent "On Demand" scanner called Sysclean and I include it in my Multi-AV Scanning Tool

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