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I bought MBAM Pro because at the time it was slim enough that it could outdo everything the competition did and not hog resources in the process. Not long after MBAM switched to the new definitions numbering system, scans began to take longer and longer, until just last night it completely locked up my PC (it was scanning files in C:\Windows\assembly at the time of failure, if that helps anyone in the diagnostic dept.), forcing me to reboot with the reset switch (the keyboard was non-responsive).

After restarting I kept getting bluescreens right after the Windows logo showed up, and had to run a Startup Repair, which told me that the registry had been corrupted (and it had to go through two repair "attempts" to fix it). Now I can't run a backup or Windows Update or run the troubleshooting service, because of multiple errors mostly involving crc's. GSmartControl tells me that there are now multiple surface errors.

On top of that, after uninstalling MBAM Pro (and restarting), the "Scan with MBAM" right-click context menu item won't go away.

I really don't know what information I can offer to help diagnose the issue except that I'm using Windows 7 x64 (all updates current), and until recently (obviously), I had been using MBAM Pro by itself. No Zone Alarm, no Avast, nothing.

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... and until recently (obviously), I had been using MBAM Pro by itself. No Zone Alarm, no Avast, nothing.


Sounds as if you are having some serious issues with your system. :(

That's a bummer. :(

I am just a home user.

So, you may wish to wait until an MBAM staffer or more expert member arrives, but I might suggest a few things in the interim.

First, if you were running without a proper AV, then you might well be infected. MBAM is NOT an AV, and is not designed to replace a proper AV or firewall. It is a specialized anti-malware program designed to run alongside and complement an AV.

Second, assuming that you aren't experiencing major OS corruption or hardware failure, please take a look at this sticky topic with troubleshooting advice about the new version. If the clean reinstall steps described there do not work, then please follow the instructions to post back with DDS logs and/or seek assistance from one of the malware removal experts.

Third, you might also find some help in the FAQ - Section L for freezes and crashes during scans.

I hope this gets you started on getting your system back up and running properly,


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