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Passing Gas

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A Little Old Lady Problem -

This little old lady goes to the doctor and says, "Doctor I have this

problem with passing gas, but it really doesn't bother me too much.

It never smells and it's always silent.

As a matter of fact I've passed gas at least 20 times since I've been here in your office.

You didn't know I was passing gas because it doesn't smell and it's silent".

The doctor says "I see. Take these pills and come back to see me next

week." :)

The next week the lady goes back. "Doctor," she says, "I don't know what

you gave me, but now my passing gas... although still silent, it stinks

terribly." :blink:

"Good", the doctor said, now that we've cleared up your sinuses, we'll start

to work on your hearing. :rolleyes:

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