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Dear God:

Here is a list I must remember to be a good dog

1.I will not eat the cats food before he eats it,or after he throws up

2.I will not roll on dead seagulls,fish,crabs,etc just because they smell good

3.The litter box is not a cookie jar

4.The sofa is not a face towl

5.The garbage collector is not stealing our stuff

6.I will not play tug of war with dads underwear when he's on the toilet

7.Sticking my nose into someones crotch is unacceptable for saying "HELLO"

8.I don't need to suddenly stand straight up when I under the coffee table

9.I must shake the rainwater oyt of my fur before entering the house..not after

10.I will not come in from outside,and immedistely drag my butt across the carpet

11.I will not sit in the middle of the living room and lick my crotch

12.The cat is not a "squeaky toy"..so when I play with him and he makes that noise,

it's usually not a good thing...

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