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  • 1 month later...


Pu-leeease put a DONATE NOW button on your website. I don't want to purchase any products from you, but your free version has been invaluable to me and my clients countless times. Just set it up with Paypal. You'll get thousands of dollars, I'm sure.

Thanks a million.

-- Lee

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yes, a donation option would be great - I was just searching the site for where I could contribute. I figure I owe you good folks at least a $100.00 for the help I'm currently getting.

Tom, I appreciate your thoughtful spirit regarding local charities, and I'm sure you're so busy that adding another function like that may not appeal to you, but I'll just plant the seed that you might reconsider. I'm so grateful for all the help.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 3 months later...
  • Staff


We appreciate greatly your wanting to give a donation. We truly do. If you do not have the means or do not wish to purchase our product, I personally suggest donating to your favorite local charity. We are still a business and we have a product to sell, but there are many groups in need.

Thank you very much,

Edit: If you're looking for a specific group to give to, here is one that I gave to today to help kittens who were stranded and essentially left for dead after Sandy:


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  • 1 month later...

Hi whonew -

Those individual tabs are generally donations to the Expert person who is helping you.

They give their time freely, but if you wish you can make a small "Thank You" donation to them.

Since the average repair shop would charge about $150+ today, a small donation is for their personal help.

The help is offered freely, but you can always "Buy them a cup of coffee" as a thank you -

Regards -

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  • 1 year later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hi -

At this time, if no PayPal tab is shown at an Experts page there is a very good way to help -

Purchase a lifetime version of Malwarebytes Pro for yourself or as a gift for someone else smile.png

Thanks for your ideas -

There you go! GOOD IDEA! :)

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