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I am a Malwarebytes Reseller and I would bet over the last year I have sold about 120 licenses.

The program gets better and better in some respects, especially keeping users away from infected sites.

But almost every one of my users misses program updates on a regular basis and I don't know why,

I just wish the program updates were automatic like the definition updates, because I leave them memos designed to remind them to look for program updates

as well as explain it to them when installing it and yet no one ever seems to catch them and as a result their systems are always infected.

I am looking as hard as I can to find another program as effective to replace Malwarebytes and cannot seem to find one.

Does anyone here have a method that works where their customers see the updates? I am at my wits end with this product and it's pathetic ability

to solve this problem.

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I know that Ron, but this has been going on for over a year. Norton, Pc Cillan and MacAfee sure can do this right as software, but they can't deal with the threats unfortunately and this issue has been dragging around for over a year now. What is the big deal? There is a setting to auto update and install program updates that does absolutely nothing. Why not call Symantec and pay them to tell you how to effect that change? Or buy an engineer from MacAfee or Pc Cillan. My goodness the programs are useless, but you sure know when they are out of date!

Can you make your notifications 15 times their size so they cover the entire screen and won't go away until the program updates are done? Avira sure can tell you how to do that! How about the way the free program for Mbam works. If you don't update it you can't use it. Why not incorporate that feature into it? This doesn't seem to be "rocket science" to me Ron!

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  • Root Admin

Well I run Symantec and it does not auto update the PROGRAM without asking me.

I've run McAfee and Trend as well in the past and neither one of them update the PROGRAM without asking me.

I currently have Kaspersky both Consumer and Sever and both ask me before updating the PROGRAM.

So, not sure what versions you have (and it's possible that it is new functionality in them but certainly was not there before) but they do not automatically update the program on their own. Personally I am against it myself because it could so easily break your computer and even prevent it from booting up and because it's all automated you wouldn't eve know what caused it - then you or the customer will be right there complaining to Symantec, McAfee or whomever did the program update that caused the problem.

I'm sorry but yes it actually is a lot more complex than you think to automate something like this on millions of computers and not have an issue. I know you've been around a while now so you certainly have to remember all the "update" problems that Microsoft has had over the years (they're actually pretty good these days) where the update broke other software or even prevented the computer from booting. Well they have billions of dollars and thousands of programmers to look at this stuff but most other software companies simply don't have those type of resources.

Again though, we are looking at trying to do what it is you're asking for.

Thank you for your patience.

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Well I run Symantec and it does not auto update the PROGRAM without asking me.

I've run McAfee and Trend as well in the past and neither one of them update the PROGRAM without asking me.

I currently have Kaspersky both Consumer and Sever and both ask me before updating the PROGRAM.

So, not sure what versions you have (and it's possible that it is new functionality in them but certainly was not there before) but they do not automatically update the program on their own. Personally I am against it myself because it could so easily break your computer and even prevent it from booting up and because it's all automated you wouldn't eve know what caused it - then you or the customer will be right there complaining to Symantec, McAfee or whomever did the program update that caused the problem.

I'm sorry but yes it actually is a lot more complex than you think to automate something like this on millions of computers and not have an issue. I know you've been around a while now so you certainly have to remember all the "update" problems that Microsoft has had over the years (they're actually pretty good these days) where the update broke other software or even prevented the computer from booting. Well they have billions of dollars and thousands of programmers to look at this stuff but most other software companies simply don't have those type of resources.

Again though, we are looking at trying to do what it is you're asking for.

Thank you for your patience.

Hi Ron,

Nod 32 and Kaspersky that I had used for years updated programs during the year, though they also occasionally had manual updates where the entire version had to change. I can't really speak for Norton or MacAfee as I have not used them in many years but I do remember when their updates were up, no way the user could not know they were avoiding payment for them!

I know what I ask isn't so easy but in the meantime a much bigger more aggressive popup would solve the problem. If need be a popup you have to reply to or it will not go away.

Please if you would convey that suggestion to "the powers to be" for me.

The thought that choosing not to do an update and saving your system by not doing so just totally escapes me. How would you know not to do it?

It makes no sense to me to pay for a program, and then not do updates that if you don't do them, render the program useless.

In this age of System Restore that actually works, that whole thought makes even less sense so again I could be quite happy if the popup was more aggressive, much much larger and would not shut off unless the user made a choice to do so. That alone would make them call us and ask what to do if they didn't know!!!!

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If it's a known problem that these updates are easily missed or ignored, causing problems, why not make it unignorable? I have several programs now that annoy the crap out of me until I do what they ask. If it's something this important to the basic functionality of the program, it shouldn't be so easily missed.

It seems to me that the other major AV software programs avoid this issue by requiring you to pay yearly. At least once a year you are going to get a program update that way. (I have had Kaspersky before and I never remember doing an manual update of any kind.) Kaspersky put's it out a new version yearly and it's pretty smart marketing - 'I must get Kasperky 2012 - my liscense is almost out anyway..." This is a major advantage your software has over these others and it's sure isn't marketed well. Are you guys a bunch of Democrats? They have the best 'products' too but no-one seems to know how to 'sell' them like the other guys (who know how to make turds seem like the best leaders to the general public in some mind perplexing, hair pulling out way!) Seems the accurate way to sell this to me is to tell me it's good for a lifetime, is the best (yes?), and unlike the other guys out there, you get the new versions free of charge, letting you know immediately when they are available for download! (And then make it user friendly - to idiots - idiot proof it please.)

I sure may be missing the mark here - I'm no re-seller - just a business owner with 14 machines an no-one on staff to maintain them other than me in my spare time. Missing program updates because I'm busy elsewhere is a highly likely scenario to me... It scares me enough to still be considering Kapsersky - there is no question that my computers are up to date with Kaspersky... See where I'm coming from?

If it's good for a lifetime, why aren't you marketing that scrumptious fact?! Want to leave it open for yearly licenses in the future?

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Actually a good point Dede, and the sad truth is Kaspersky will make you pay up and do the updates, but it won't protect you like this one will either.

As I said before I would make the popup screen size and not go away until you make a decision! Simple enough and I do agree the LIFETIME should be a major selling point as that is only for the home user. Business users pay yearly with Malwarebytes. You see this is a great product with only 1 major problem, but that problem is so highly critical and though they are working on it, I don't think they realize the true enormity of this problem!

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