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I have been using Malwarebytes Pro for over a year with no issues on a very clean system.

Immediately after the upgrade to the newest version, Malwarebytes crashes on startup.

I am running Windows XP Professionl SP3. This must be a bad new version of Malwarebytes.

Please let me know how to run and send you any diagnostics you might need.

Kind Regards,


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I have been using Malwarebytes Pro for over a year with no issues on a very clean system.

Immediately after the upgrade to the newest version, Malwarebytes crashes on startup.

I am running Windows XP Professionl SP3 with McAfee Anti-virus. This must be a bad new version of Malwarebytes.

Please let me know how to run and send you any diagnostics you might need.

Kind Regards,


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Hello and welcome, bill7:

Sorry you are experiencing trouble with MBAM.

Until an MBAM staffer comes along...

Please start with this sticky and follow the detailed instructions carefully (without skipping any steps, especially running mbam-clean and rebooting when required).

That has resolved the problem for most XP folks who are not using ZA free.

If that doesn't resolve your issue, please post back with a bit more detail about your system (is your OS 32-bit or 64-bit, and what VERSION of McAfee products are you running).

Thanks for your patience and understanding.


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