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OK, I'm signed in, but for whatever reason, I couldn't post a topic, or anything, in the beta area of the forum; so I'll post my comment here and some moderator type can move it to wherever it belongs if needed.

OK ALL went well re today's email re beta test of the XP, et al, problem, from MBAM with the following caveat (hopefully minor, but to leave NO stone unturned).

I did NOT have MBAM installed any longer (since it hung up my XP SP3 & free ZoneAlarm & free Avast machine).

So I installed MBAM (1.6) from the download on your website TODAY.

During the install, I opted, when I got to that screen, NOT to do the Update, OR the Launch It option.

I then went into Safe Mode, and did exactly as your email instructions stated. I rebooted out of Safe Mode, and when I returned to my Desktop, I did the update, AND rebooted once again (for the obvious reason), and that went normally.

A few minutes post all of this, I see NO problems, but I can assure you if I do have ANY, I will be back on the forum ASAP.


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