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My computer has been running slow. I did a scan with the registry booster and found I had 803 registry errors.

"That's pretty bad." I went to buy the package so I could remedy these errors, but when I hit the buy button nothing happens.

Also have uploaded the malwarebytes to do an extra scan incase I'm infected. Scanning now though I also have avast & clear with that. " I didn't realize malware was a part of Norton till tonight, though I had the older version on my computer before."

This is the second problem. The norton malware is jamming the avast from scanning my e-mails. I had to switch it off to get the registration code to come on this forum to ask these questions. I have switched avast back on now, have instead blocked the norton from my e-mails for the time being.

My questions are:

(1)How can I include the norton malware and my Avast to work together?

(2)How can I get access to the shopping cart to buy the register booster to fix these registry errors?


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One problem I see from what you described is your running more than one anti-virus. Running more than one anti-virus will cause some major performanence issues. I'd recommend you choose one and uninstall the other. This registry scanner, I would recommend you NOT use. Have a look at this article

(1)How can I include the norton malware and my Avast to work together?

You can't use two Anti-viruses you need to choose one & uninstall the other.

(2)How can I get access to the shopping cart to buy the register booster to fix these registry errors?

Registry cleaners are not necessary and quite often cause more issues. I wouldn't even waste your money on them.

Windows Expert Mark Russinovich (Author of the “Bible”, Windows Internals, co-founder of Winternals and Sysinternals, and since both companies were bought by Microsoft, now a senior Microsoft employee) was asked:

Hi Mark, do you really think that Registry junk left by uninstalled programs could severely slow down the computer? I would like to ‘hear’ your opinion.

His reply:

No, even if the registry was massively bloated there would be little impact on the performance of anything other than exhaustive searches (ed. of the registry itself).

On Win2K Terminal Server systems, however, there is a limit on the total amount of Registry data that can be loaded and so large profile hives can limit the number of users that can be logged on simultaneously.

I haven’t and never will implement a Registry cleaner since it’s of little practical use on anything other than Win2K terminal servers and developing one that’s both safe and effective requires a huge amount of application-specific knowledge.

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Hello Kiwilassie :welcome:

To begin i suggest you do not use registry cleaners as they usually do not help and can certainly harm your computer.

It seems that you have two anti virus suites conflicting. If you wish to uninstall Norton it is best to run their uninstall tool as there may be problem leftovers if you only use the windows uninstall feature, available HERE

If you think your computer may be infected please follow the instructions found HERE

Best regards

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Hi Thanks Guys. I've got it sorted. I was locked out for a while. The computer froze, everytime I tried to do something. As I have Avast do a scan everytime I switch on my computer, the fact that the malware was interfering seemed to be the reason for the freeze. I went into "f1" safe mode and just uninstalled everything I had put in today. So that there would be no residue as I know Norton leaves a bit in there when you remove them I just restored my computer to an earlier time. All is good. My computer isn't that slow. Definately not slow enough to warrant the hassle I've had today. I'll stick with avast. It's done me well over the years. Haven't had viruses as such. Have to say I wonder now if there is as many register errors as was detected. Will get a cumputer friend to take a closer look at it. Again thanks for your imput. I've been out of the loop for hrs trying to salvage what I did today.

The old saying if it's not broken leave it be is very apt in this situation.:)


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Hi Wildman. Mark Russinovich (Author of the “Bible”, Windows Internals,was a good read. Yes I tend to restore when I make a mistake with downloads, rather than just delete.

There were a few things in the article that I could relate to. If there is fragmented files and a few register errors . They will likely be minimal as I am the only one using this comp. There isn't a huge amount of data on files. The errors will likely be more my incompetance in the usage of the computer.lol

I'm in the age group that find it so easily turns their computers into toasters. ;)

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