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I have Admuncher (although it should be off) and MBAM Pro, it has been popping up with a block related to the process even after I've added both admunch.exe and admunch64.exe to the Ignore list. Here is an entry in the log:

2011/12/30 19:23:38 -0800 USER-PC User IP-BLOCK (Type: outgoing, Port: 61314, Process: admunch.exe)

I have MBAM with the 12/24 build date, Ad Muncher v4.92 Build 32700/3819 if that's relevant.

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Guest Seagull

Actually it is not blocking admuncher. Once you install admuncher it does something to your browser so whenever you do come across a malicious link it will say "admunch.exe" instead of "iexplorer.exe", "firefox.exe" etc. The IP address you supplied in your post is a malicious site and has nothing to do with admuncher.

If your wondering how I know this for sure, its because I once used admuncher and I experienced this myself, instead of it saying "chrome.exe" it was replaced with "admunch.exe".

I hope this made sense, and my apologies if it sounds confusing in any way. As for why it shows "admunch.exe" instead of your browser for example: "firefox.exe", I have no idea, maybe one of the Malwarebytes experts could possibly explain this.

I hope this helps, have a Happy New Year. :)

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