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Hi verybody,

I am having quite a big trouble with downloading a files from some free hosting files because I access internet via a proxy server which controls in the local Area Network. There are many students access internet via the same proxy. As a result, sometimes when I want to download any files, I encounter this message:Your system informs that you have been downloading files or that you have already downloaded too much. But I have not downloaded anything!

I have found these information about my issu, but my inquiry now is how can I change the IP for the proxy server.

If I have change my IP of computer, will it make anything?

Could you possibly how I can see my IP of my computer and the IP of my proxy server, please?

14.Service issues a message "connection limit has been exhausted for your IP address, please try again in 5 (25, 55, etc.) minutes". What should I do to download a file?

DepositFiles.com provides equally high qualified services to users from all the regions of the globe, regardless of size downloads, download time, user's browser and other parameters. With this purpose the system of dynamic load distribution was implemented. It operates on the following principle: "All users should have an opportunity to download large files and with good speed for FREE".

As download priority speed is given for GOLD-users, other users can download quickly only one by one file (first one, then another one). The time spent in the line (the phrase "try again in 10 minutes") depends on various factors (file's popularity, DepositFiles server load from your network segment, time of day, etc.), the main thing among which is the file size. The larger the file downloaded from your IP address is before, the more waiting time is. Therefore, in order to reduce waiting time we recommend to download small files at the beginning. Also, as the system recognizes users by their IP address, you can change your address (see question 15) and try to download the file again.

15.Your system informs that you have been downloading files or that you have already downloaded too much. But you have not downloaded anything! What is wrong?

Our system uses your IP-address to count the amount of downloads. If you receive such notice and you really haven't downloaded anything, then you probably use the proxy-server that is simultaneously used by other people. You need to turn off such proxy-server(s) in this case. If your provider doesn't allow it, the only possible solution for you is GOLD-account. GOLD-account uses cookies (not IP addresses) for your downloads counting

I would appreciate it if you could help me.

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If you're on someone else's network, then you can't unfortunately. Any traffic coming from that network through that proxy will look the same to the download site. The only ones with access to change the IP would be the network admins, but you'd still run into the same issue even if they changed it, because it would change everyone's IP all at once, so if they continue downloading from that site, you'll run into the same problem once more.

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