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This is STILL HAPPENINGon 2 laptops configured the same.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Uninstalled and reinstalled just as directed on both laptops numerious times.

It seems the new build is not working in WIN XP SP-3 as most of the difficulties are WIN XP related.

Before running scan I checked ignore list tab and 6 entries are posted but after scan the 6 entries show up again as threats.

After upgrading yesterday I went thru with the same problem as some of the other WinXP users and uninstalled and reinstalled till wouldn't crash at launch.(Win XP home Sp3 NO antivirus and NO 2nd party firewall)

After running scan 6 security threats show up as expected.(Update,Firewall,Antivirus DisableNotify etc.)

Before running scan today I checked to see first if the 6 were listed in the ignore list tab and they were.

After running scan they showed up again as threats and I put them into the ignore list again.

Will I have to this every time I run the scan??

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Please try closing the scanner and re-opening it after you've performed a database update. Then perform your scan and let me know if the items in your Ignore List are still detected or not.

Thanks :)

I removed all traces of the new version.

I now am running and it updates and runs scans OK.

After the launching of the chamilion of the new version and what it did to my system I will wait and see if they fix the compatability with win-xp.

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