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Since I updated the MWB program to the latest edition, I now cannot automatically update or weekly scan.

I've gone onto settings and scheduler settings and even changed the times to see whether it would update there and then, but nothing.

Any tips on how I can rectify this?


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I am having a similar problem, I get a notice from the tray for definitions and they load fine. I also keep getting ballons about updating the program, but have been unable to update, unless it does it behind the scenes, but it doesn't go through adding the program update like it has before.

I am running an HP w/ PhenomII x 2 5.11 proc 3.4 GHz 8 GB 64 bit.

"The only way is through" cb'99'

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello and welcome to MBAM, caritas:

Sorry for the delay in replying, as it appears that your original post may have been inadvertently overlooked.

Please start with this sticky topic.

Let us know if the suggestions described there resolve your issues.

If not, please post back with a bit more information about your computer:

  • What Windows OS (XP, Vista, 7)?
  • What Service Pack?
  • If you are running XP, is your OS installed on drive letter other than the C: drive?
  • What version of MBAM (current is
  • What database version (current is v2012.01.07.04)?
  • What brand and version of anti-virus, anti-malware and/or firewall software do you have?
  • Do you use a router to connect to the internet?
  • Have you recently been or are you currently showing any signs of infection (popups, browser redirects, IP blocks, program crashes, etc)?

Thanks for your patience,


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