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Hi all,

Please forgive if this has been covered before, but I tried to search and came up with nothing. I am trying to

rid my roommate's computer of a virus or something, which seems to have disabled Malwarebytes and their Avast.

The system will not load either, and will not load any of the browsers installed, though Windows (7) explorer seems

to work fine.

Going into program files, I found the usual Malwarebytes' file, but I also found one in all caps without the apostrophe

directly above it, which had been created only a few days ago. (the real one had been installed in and not modified since

October) and it had nothing in it. I have managed to delete it, but I still can't uninstall Malwarebytes' to reinstall.

I wondered if anyone had heard of which (if any) virus or spyware tries to replace Malwarebytes' with its own file in

all caps. Thanks for any help.

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Hello JoeReese and welcome to the Malwarebytes forums!

Lets go ahead and try a clean install first to see if that will clear up the issue before we start looking for an infection(unless you are experiencing any other symptoms other then an issue with Malwarebytes). Go ahead and follow the instructions below for a clean install.

  • Download and run mbam-clean.exe from here
  • It will ask to restart your computer, please allow it to do so very important
  • After the computer restarts, install the latest version of Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware from here

    • Note: You will need to reactivate the program using the license you were sent via email if using the Pro version
    • Launch the program and register. Make sure to cut and paste the ID and Key into the proper fields(free users can skip).

    [*]Then go to the UPDATE tab if not done during installation and check for updates.

This should take care of the issue.

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Hi Haleo,

Thanks for the quick reply. Malwarebytes is only one of the affected programs. It also won't open any of the

browsers, and won't allow installation of anything from a usb drive. I even made and used an AVG rescue usb,

with no change. I can download the mbam-clean on my laptop, but I'm not sure how else to get it to theirs,

as it seems not to want to allow anything to run, except windows explorer and c-cleaner. They have now gotten

all their files onto an external, and have tried to restore, but it won't even allow that.

I've tried in both normal mode and safe mode, and still nothing.

I am really curious about the MALWAREBYTES file. I have never seen it anywhere else, on my computer or

on any other that I've used. It's as though some virus created it just to stymie the computer into thinking

it has found the right file.

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Hello Haleo,

That system has serious infections that need expert guidance. This next is not a typical suggestion and keep in mind we do not fix malware infections in 'this' sub-forum. But given that the system is working enough that you can use Windows Explorer and you most likely have access to another pc (for downloading).

The tools that will need to be used will have to be downloaded, so if the "victim" system cannot run a browser to download, it can be accomplished by using a "clean" (other) system for downloading, and then, copying to a "clean/unused" USB flash-drive (pen drive), walking the USB to the victim, then copying the "tools" to the Desktop of victim.

download and SAVE David Lipman's Multi-AV tool, which you can find here http://www.multi-av.thespykiller.co.uk/

put it on usb flash-drive

transport and copy to the infected system.

I suggest you copy to the Desktop for easy reach/

Run multi-av

Run at least 2 or 3 of the scanners

The help file for the tool is here http://www.multi-av.thespykiller.co.uk/help.htm

Hoping that might give some help. But really keep in mind you will have to get further guided expert help for further cleanup and diagnosis.

Be sure to return back and report on results.

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