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Is anyone here running this combo in real time and if so, are there any unwanted side effects?

I ask this because I got a free key for Norton Internet Security 2012 and I want to try it, BUT I am already running MBAM Pro in real time along side avast (no problems here whatsoever) but I understand NIS has it´s own anti-Spyware section, so...?

BTW Happy New Year to everyone!!! :lol:

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Hello Diazruanova,

Running both Avast and Norton on the same computer at the same time would cause massive issues. I would not suggest using Norton unless you plan on removing Avast first. If that is the case then you can use Norton and Malwarebytes together without any issues. If you do run into any issues we can always set up exclusions for the two programs(but issues are rare).

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Hello Diazruanova,

Running both Avast and Norton on the same computer at the same time would cause massive issues. I would not suggest using Norton unless you plan on removing Avast first. If that is the case then you can use Norton and Malwarebytes together without any issues. If you do run into any issues we can always set up exclusions for the two programs(but issues are rare).

Thank you very much!

In fact I already Un-Installed avast with it´s own un-installer utility and a couple of re-boots and right now, I am running without any apparent problems both NIS 2012 and MBAM and so far so good, so I think I will let them run in real time for some days and I´ll post back again.

Thanks again and have a very good and happy 2012!!!

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