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I'm the CTO from ANEXIA GmbH (http://www.anexia.at/). One of our customer reported us that Malwarebyte Anti-Malware is blocking the access to his website:

http://www.1000ps.at -

Can you tell us why this IP got blacklisted? Is there any option to find out what IPs are blocked? We want to search the list for other IPs located on our subnets.


best regards

Jürgen Jaritsch

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A block was placed on the entire range due to multiple IPs housing malicious content (exploits, trojans and C&Cs) for several months, and there being no response from your abuse dept.

Curiously however, these now appear to be rather timingly dead. As there are now no open cases, the block will be removed on the next update.

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A block was placed on the entire range due to multiple IPs housing malicious content (exploits, trojans and C&Cs) for several months, and there being no response from your abuse dept.


thanks for your response. Do you have some details who has been contacted? No response doesn't mean no reaction - I'm sure you will agree to me.

Can you send me the informations about the abuse? Of course you can send it direct to me: jj@anexia.at


best regards

Jürgen Jaritsch

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