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I upgraded to the Pro version after having used the excellent free version. I like the Pro version even more than the free one, because it does just about everything that I would want.

My only request is an expansion of the choices in the Scheduled update. There is no time interval between hourly updates and once daily updates.

I would like to have a choice of something like updates every 1, 2, or 2.5 hours.

There are people with sluggish and slow connections who would benefit from updates from every 2, or 3, or 4 hours rather than hourly, but would find daily updates not frequent enough.

Would it be possible to give the users a larger range of scheduled updates?

Thanks for a great product. As a computer consultant, I recommend and encourage everyone to get MalwareBytes. For those who are already using the free version, I encourage to upgrade to the Pro. It's total bargain.

Dan Tong

Tong Computer Consulting

Chicago, IL

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