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I have just downloaded and installed the new MBAM 1.60 version over the old one on my Win XP SP3 and all I get now when I try to open it is the MBAM has encountered a problem and has to close and apologies for the inconvenience message. If it helps the error signature is shown as:

App Name: mbam.exe

App Ver:

Mod Name: mbamcore.dll

Mod Ver:

Offset: 00060ae0

What do I do about it please?

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I seem to have got it going now - lots of people having trouble I notice. I used the advice on another post to run mbam-clean and then download and reinstall. It worked but even then I got all sorts of little warning boxes re runtime errors and read-only as it was uninstalling and one of them telling me "unable to quit" or something like that was a worry but it answered to the restart in spite of all that.

At the moment all seems OK.

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I seem to have got it going now - lots of people having trouble I notice. I used the advice on another post to run mbam-clean and then download and reinstall. It worked but even then I got all sorts of little warning boxes re runtime errors and read-only as it was uninstalling and one of them telling me "unable to quit" or something like that was a worry but it answered to the restart in spite of all that.

At the moment all seems OK.

Have same win xp sp3. followed advice here same warnings etc all working now


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