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Is Google Chrome as Vulnerable to XP Security 2012 malware as other browsers?

As noted in a previous thread, my machine was hijacked with the XP SECURITY 2012 malware, or should I say SCAREWARE. In the end, Malwarebytes saved the day.

This attack came through Internet Explorer 8. I am exploring the question as to whether a browser change would be a good idea, to reduce vulnerability in the future. To that end, I am taking a close look at Google Chrome.

I would like to know if there is anyone out there who uses Google Chrome who has had the experience of falling prey to XP SECURITY 2012, or any of its other variants, on Windows XP, or on other operating systems?


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I believe every Browser have its own security loop holes. Hence , it is advisable for everyone to stay up to date for all their Software.(Java , Flash player , Security Utilities ) Fortunate to share with you my PC experiences , my PC is equipped with Malwarebye and some others Browser security adds-on , I am free from those irritants . Happy Surfing !

Regards ,

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