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I had a serious Vundu infestation. McAfee and other AV programs including Webroot was not able to clean it. Windows Update stopped working and my laptop got really slow. Anti Malware not only detected the bugger but completely removed it without any problems! What make Anti-Malware able to do what the big ones can't? Does it work differently that other AV's, or?

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Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware (MBAM) does not follow the same rules that anti-virus software sticks to.

We have brilliant teams of researchers and developers who have written some great heuristics. Most of our detections are based on those heuristics, unlike anti-virus software and other anti-malware applications where they add support for each new item as it's detected. Our heuristics are designed to detect not only current variants of today's most difficult malware, but future variants as well, and those heuristics are always being refined as new variants are released to make sure that we catch a higher percentage of malware than the other guys.

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