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Alright ,well to start off, I bought a brand new sony vaio a couple of months ago and it was runnign fine. One day I downloaded Malwarebyts and ran it, found some infected cleaned it out, and have been using it since. Since I downloaded it (about 2 months ago) I've noticed that I started having random BSOD (Blue screen of death) and I thought that the program could have nothing to do with it, since BSOD is hardware failure usually.

But today I came home from university and my parents computer was running a little slow, so I decided to download malwarebytes and check around for dangerous files. Found some, deleted them, and now in the last half hour, it has gotten the BSOD 5 times. But in the time before that, it has never come across it even once. I was wondering if someone could please help me out, and if it can be returned to normal?

Thanks in advance,


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