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I just began using Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Pro on my Windows 7 computer yesterday and I have run into a major problem.

Under the update tab, I clicked "check for updates"

After it downloads,a popup appears saying "The latest version of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware has been downloaded. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware will close and install the latest version."

After I click OK, a new popup window appears that reads "Select Startup Language". If I continue further, an installation page appears wanting me to re-install Malwarebytes.

If I close out of it, it tells me the installation was incomplete. However, how come I can still access Malwarebytes on my computer?

Please respond with a solution so that I can use and manually update Malwarebytes the most efficient way possible.

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Hello weatherman97 and welcome to MalwareBytes forums.

Please, if you would, be very detailed in your detail and replies.

Did you have MBAM installed already? (e.g., prior to the update run)

What version number was it? and was it the PRO version?

Can you start MBAM and then click About tab and look and tell us waht version number is shown.

Click the Update tab and tell us what database version is shown.

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Basically the disc is an older version of our software.

Its not trying to reinstall the same version. Its trying to install the latest version of the program.

U installed Version and its trying to upgrade the program itself to :

Just let what you see happen. If you check the about tab now.. check it after you let the install happen.


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