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I don't use Firefox currently, but a more recent added NoScript feature was a web handlers/protocols for things like Skype and so forth which allow websites to launch the default program for that web protocol. Example you click a skype logo in a person's profile and it launches skype and finds that username. More then likely those types of scripts are what's being blocked. :)

Edit: For example this was taken from my GeekPolice profile. AIM/Skype have a script behind them that attempt to launch the default program such as Aim Messenger or Skype upon clicking.


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Yep. :) Yeah I can be sometimes too.

We got a lot of good volunteers/staff here. :)

Yeah I learned a lot here since I've started. :)

last month alone iv been learning all kinds of things since i got my new laptop

going from windows xp to windows 7 home is totally different and taking some getting used to

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