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I have been getting hit with Win 7 2012 Security (or one of it's spin-offs) as of late. I normally just reinstall a back-up partition which means I have down time for about 7 minutes, not bad. But it is getting a tad annoying. So if I were to purchase your payware version would this catch and stop these before they happen?



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Greetings :)

It should, yes. One of the areas we focus on is rogue/fake security software and we're generally pretty good at it. Unfortunately, no protection is 100% and these infections change very frequently but we do our best to keep up and to enhance our heuristics all the time to try and catch new variants that haven't even been released yet. All that being said, even if you do purchase our software, you should also be sure to have an up to date antivirus as well because we focus on catching the threats that most antivirus software tends to miss (like rogue/fake security software).

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