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Hello, I have a question about my PC. For the past few months, I had slow startups where my computer would open windows very slowly but as soon as the window opened it would run normally. I had to turn my computer on and off for a few times in order for my windows to open up properly. I am not sure what is causing this but I thought you guys would know. I have Windows 7 64 bit version.

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The next time you get a slow startup, press Ctrl+Shift+Esc to open Task Manager and click on the Show processes from all users button. Click on the column header at the top that says "Image Name" to sort the list alphabetically. Look for any processes called mscorsvw.exe. If you see them, allow them to run until they all complete. Once they are done doing their work, they will not run again until another .NET Framework update is installed through Windows Update, at which point you'll need to let them run until they're finished again.

These processes run to optimize your .NET Framework installations and they tend to slow down the boot process when they run at startup.

That's the only thing I can think of that might cause such intermittent slowness on boot.

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