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antivirus 2009 attached to IE7

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Hello everybody! I'm new to the board, I did a quick look around and did a search about my issue and could not find anything, if I'm posting in the wrong place, my appologies and be so kind as to move me.

here goes:

I've been working on this portable infested with the antivirus 09 popups. after malwarebytes was run the pop ups are gone but now IE 7 seems to be stuck with what ever is left over. when I connect to google I see this.


also sometimes I get the yellow banner below my tabs telling be that I may be infected and that I should activate antivirus 2009.

I and another guy here have done tons to this thing, I believe he said he went through and removed a bunch of reg edits and such. we're to the point where a OSRI is the next step, but I would like your input before we get to that.

I really would appriciate some assistance.

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Please read and follow the instructions provided here: Pre- HJT Post Instructions

When ready please post your logs here: Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs

Someone will be happy to assist you further with cleaning your system.

During this scan and cleanup process you should not install any other software unless requested to do so.

Please don't post your log in this topic or start another thread in this forum, but post them in the Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs forum linked to above. ;)

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