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Okay, my little sisters acquired malware on their computers by means I don't really know. When I researched the specific virus they have and how to get rid of it, the instructions took me here which leaves me with a question: if I put Malwarebytes on their computers, will it conflict with their Anti-virus software? They use McAffe, but I don't know what version of it they have.

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Hello Pikochu, :welcome:

MBAM has both a free (on demand) scanning version and a paid (real time) version with customizable automatic updates and scanning options. Both have the same anti malware database and ability to detect and remove malware. The Pro (paid) version works in real time the same as your anti virus program. It is designed to work WITH your AV. It is very inexpensive for a lifetime one PC license and an excellent choice to help prevent infections by stopping them before they can infect as well as blocking access to known malicious IP's.

For the Pro version you should add exclusions to your AV for MBAM and in some cases add exclusions to MBAM for your AV so that they do not conflict. Exclusions are not needed for the free MBAM version as it does not work in real time.

Please have a look at THIS topic which walks you through the adding of exclusions.

Best regards

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