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I have been receiving a .zip attachment in email (IRS notice) that I submitted to VirusTotal that found 13 virus/malware hits...BUT MB PRO did not detect anything. So I think I am infected. I submitted my mbam.exe to VirusTotal and it detected a virus...

So I think I am infected...but my MBAM scans doesn't detect anything. I follow the instruction on the "I think I am infected" forum, but I can't get to anywhere on BleepingComputer.com OR Malwarebytes.org for a current clean mbam setup.

What next?

Oh yeah, and I want to check my local installed mbam executable hashes, but I can only find the hashes for the full setup exes. Is there a location on MB.org for the hashes for the individual files?

I was able to download DDS.scr, ran it and attached the two resulting logs here...



Thanx in advance for you help!

Again today my PC is running slower and slower...and MBAM did not catch a direct scan of a .zip file known to have a virus!!! HELP!!

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