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Hey i dont mean to barge in or hijack this topic but this was one of the more recent topics on this and i seem to be having the same problem.

I was googling .com.b and .com_ caus i know it shouldnt be in System32 until i ran into this site.

TP also seems to have issues with these .com files so i started following your solutions.

Ive used TDSSKiller to stop PING.exe from starting up all the time and this worked for me.

But now the .com files keep flooding my task manager and make my processor run at 100%.

Ive seen the OTL fix that you gave to TP but i know it wont work for my laptop since its custom.

So could you please give me a custom fix like that and/or maybe help me out in a different topic.

Im asking here because you (Maniac) seem to have all solutions for this problem!

So again sorry for barging in and thanks in advance.

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