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Malwarebytes Pro version is only working for Admin user on the machine but failing for other users.

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I recently upgraded malwarebytes to pro and successfully installed on my laptop with Windows 7 OS over the weeekend, but to my surprise, it only works for admin user and not other user(S)on the laptop. I think it should work for any user logged in on this machine.

I went into another user other than admin and noticed that i am unable to open any executable like IE,Malwarebytes,Explorer (it asks me to choose a program to open with)

I don't see the issue for admin user. Shouldn't malwarebytes work for all the users and not specific user? I need help to be able to login and run malwayrebytes successfully with the other user (superuser) other than admin.

Your help is greated appreciated.


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Greetings :)

It sounds as though exe file associations may be broken on the affected user account(s). Please try the tutorial located here to see if it helps. You also must realize that MBAM (or any other program) runs with limited privileges when not in an administrative user account. That's for the same reason that it is more secure to use such user accounts (because it limits what programs can do within those user accounts).

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Greetings :)

It sounds as though exe file associations may be broken on the affected user account(s). Please try the tutorial located here to see if it helps. You also must realize that MBAM (or any other program) runs with limited privileges when not in an administrative user account. That's for the same reason that it is more secure to use such user accounts (because it limits what programs can do within those user accounts).

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Excellent, I'm glad that did the trick :).

Also be aware that what I was referring to regarding MBAM (and other applications) on non-admin user accounts does not apply to the protection module, it always runs with the highest possible privileges regardless of the user account type that is active.

If you need anything else, please don't hesitate to post or contact our support team.

Thanks :)

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