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Whitepapers on Malwarebytes

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Hi All.

I like Malwarebytes.

I have successfully used it to remove Anti-Virus 2009. and trojan.fakealert

I would like to use it on other computers. But my boss won't let me until I come up with some reputable whitepapers.

I found good writeups on Softpedia, ZDnet . and Cnet . But apperantly these aren't good enough.

Can anyone provide me with some links to some reputable whitepapers on Malwarebytes.


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Thank You for the reply. and If it was just me, I'd say, awesome, done deal.

But my boss already snubbed his nose at Softpedia's 100% gauranteed clean award.

And ZDnet and Cnet. So I can tell you already, that unless Microsoft, Symantec, or God , or even Oprah says it's OK.

It's not gonna fly.

I need a 100% "no-doubt about it" this Stuff is better than sliced bread whitepaper.

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Hi GT500, for some reason that second link get blocked by my Kaspersky Internet Security saying that its infected, is anyone else having alerts for that link? Interested to know if its a false alert by KIS.

Regards Stu

They're just jealous.

avast! has no problem with the site.

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... So I can tell you already, that unless Microsoft, Symantec, or God , or even Oprah says it's OK.

It's not gonna fly.

I need a 100% "no-doubt about it" this Stuff is better than sliced bread whitepaper.

He trusts Microsoft?

We have various Microsoft MVP's running running around here somewhere, but they are probably buried knee-deep in HijackThis and ComboFix logs.

Let me do some searching, and see if there are any MSDN or Microsoft TechNet articles about Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware.

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Thank You for the reply. and If it was just me, I'd say, awesome, done deal.

But my boss already snubbed his nose at Softpedia's 100% gauranteed clean award.

And ZDnet and Cnet. So I can tell you already, that unless Microsoft, Symantec, or God , or even Oprah says it's OK.

It's not gonna fly.

I need a 100% "no-doubt about it" this Stuff is better than sliced bread whitepaper.

Anyone tells you that run the other direction.

You're never going to find any holy grail in security software. Not with anti virus, not with anti spyware. Some simply work better than others on the harder infections out there. Some work better on the milder adware types of nuisances.

White papers are rarely if ever written for anti spyware apps. Not in the traditional at least.

Reviews and recommendations are going to be it and most have biased slants.

@GT500, anything from 2-spyware is distrustful, always has been. I don't care if they do say mbam is better than sliced bread. Their track record is so bad it's not funny. It's only recently they've tried to become more legit.

They push all sorts of borderline rogue apps and have affiliates run amok in forums dropping links everywhere. I've chased them out of a few forums myself.

Their in every decent hosts file\block-black list.

Also the reason that KAV blocks them on Stu's box.

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@GT500, anything from 2-spyware is distrustful, always has been. I don't care if they do say mbam is better than sliced bread. Their track record is so bad it's not funny. It's only recently they've tried to become more legit.

They push all sorts of borderline rogue apps and have affiliates run amok in forums dropping links everywhere. I've chased them out of a few forums myself.

Their in every decent hosts file\block-black list.

Also the reason that KAV blocks them on Stu's box.

Good to know.

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Anyone tells you that run the other direction.

You're never going to find any holy grail in security software. Not with anti virus, not with anti spyware. Some simply work better than others on the harder infections out there. Some work better on the milder adware types of nuisances.

White papers are rarely if ever written for anti spyware apps. Not in the traditional at least.

If anyone at MBAMW would like to write a whitepaper.

Here is a URL to submit one.


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