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Good evening, A close friend has a dell machine with Vista 64, he recently opened an email that has infected his OS. I launched the OS using safe mode, then loaded Rkill.exe, then loaded an earlier version of mbam, when it tried to update, or anytime I tried to update, I recieved this message. "Error code 732 (0,0)" and it informed me to report this to you. I think I have gotten rid of the virus, but we did not get the profile back, or the start menu. All of these are MIA. As I ran MBAM, I could see the folders and files on the screen as it went through them, but then when I went to the C:\user\*.* the only folder there was Public and it was empty. I'm at a loss, the files seem to be there, just hidden. Any help you can give would be appreciated greatly. As a side note, I have been a PC technician for 23 years.


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Good evening, A close friend has a dell machine with Vista 64, he recently opened an email that has infected his OS. I launched the OS using safe mode, then loaded Rkill.exe, then loaded an earlier version of mbam, when it tried to update, or anytime I tried to update, I recieved this message. "Error code 732 (0,0)" and it informed me to report this to you. I think I have gotten rid of the virus, but we did not get the profile back, or the start menu. All of these are MIA. As I ran MBAM, I could see the folders and files on the screen as it went through them, but then when I went to the C:\user\*.* the only folder there was Public and it was empty. I'm at a loss, the files seem to be there, just hidden. Any help you can give would be appreciated greatly. As a side note, I have been a PC technician for 23 years.


Download ( unhide.exe ) maybe this will help you.


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