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A customer is having a problem with very slow boot-up times (2+ minutes) after installing MBAM Pro on his systems (2xXP Pro, 1xWindows 7).

He just replaced the free version and the problem started immediately thereafter. I told him that the 'on-access' function means that new services/processes are now starting, but that wouldn't explain this kind of delay.

I run the Pro version on all my computers (XP & 7) and have noticed a few extra seconds, but never anything like this.

Any advice I can pass on to the customer?

I did walk him through configuring Panda and MBAM to ignore each other, but that didn't help.


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"I did walk him through configuring Panda and MBAM to ignore each other, but that didn't help."

That was the first thing I thought of - but it didn't help.

I am double-checking to make sure he did the Firewall settings. I know he did the processes, but not sure on the FW.


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