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I found the Windows Home Security 2012 application on my laptop; popups appeared stating that the computer is infected (A scan was the first thing to pop up when booting the laptop).

I did some research on this and learned that it's a fake security application, and I'd need to download Malwarebytes and tdsskiller to clear it.

I downloaded the applications in safe mode and ran a few scans; although nothing appeared with the tdsskiller, Malwarebytes found several infected registry entries, and one infected file.

All items have been quarantined and deleted.

The popups/scans have stopped, but it won't allow me to open applications. It asks me what program I want to use to open the file.(exe) In some cases it says that the applications haven't been found (eg. all of the options in the control panel).

I have ran DDS and attached the txt files. What do I do now?




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