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I recently cleared (I hope) the fake Win-7-Antivirus-2011 from my teenager's laptop. It took several tries to get it all (used multiple programs, uninstalled many reinstalled MBAM and Avira, now Comodo). The laptop (HP G72 with Windows 7) had Avira on it but had not been updated to the new program. It now has Avira Free Antivirus newly installed, and Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. I had seen somewhere that BoClean worked with MBAM and Avira to beef up the protection, but when I tried to install BoClean, it actually installed the Comodo Internet Security and Comodo GeekBuddy. Will these programs be compatible? Is there a forum that addresses programs that will run with MBAM? I don't want her computer to get infected because the programs distract each other from the threats.

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Hello and welcome to MBAM, egghead8488:

Until one of the experts arrives, the "short answer" is that it generally recommended that one run 1 robust standard AV, and 1 robust software firewall as a baseline for one's computer security. (These may be parts of 1 comprehensive internet security suite.)

Then, in order to provide layered protection against malware, rogues and other infections, one would add MBAM, preferably the PRO version, which provides additional real-time protection alongside your AV and firewall. (The free version of MBAM only provides on-demand scanning, not real-time protection). The nonimal cost of a lifetime consumer license for MBAM is, IMHO, a very solid investment.

And you are correct in that adding many more additional security programs will degrade, not enhance, your security or performance.

This is better explained in this recent post by forum moderator, Exile360.

There are many free and paid AV and firewall options, so it's impossible to make a definitive recommendation for any particular program.

MBAM is designed to work well with all of them.

I do not use Comodo products, but I would expect that they should work just fine with MBAM.

In order to optimize system performance, it is generally suggested that one set up the reciprocal exclusions between your AV, firewall and MBAM. There are detailed instructions how to do this in the FAQ section, or we can assist you with this.

Finally, you might want to take a look at this sticky topic for some general information about safe computing (since even the best security programs cannot protect 100% if the user engages in risky computer behavior).

Hope this helps a bit,


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....It now has Avira Free Antivirus newly installed, and Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. I had seen somewhere that BoClean worked with MBAM and Avira to beef up the protection, but when I tried to install BoClean, it actually installed the Comodo Internet Security and Comodo GeekBuddy. Will these programs be compatible?


Comodo no longer offers BoClean. It is incorporated in CIS. Now CIS ( Comodo Internet Security ) has an antivirus and you said that you installed Avira free and It is not recommended to run two AV at a time. I would uninstalled CIS and reinstalled just the firewall and D+.

How to uninstall CIS:


How to install Comodo Firewall and D+ for maximum proteccion and minimal alerts.


I do not know about Avira, but in Comodo you go to Defence + > Defence + Settings > Execution Control Settings > Detect Shell Code Injections ( Buffer Overflow ) > Exclutions > Add > Browse. There you add all the folders you find of Avira and MBAM to be excluded from D+

Hope it helps.

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