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Greetings Marcos.

I saw you referenced portforward.com, was this the guide you used?: http://portforward.com/english/routers/por...neric/LDC++.htm

Also, were the router setup screens the same as the ones on the site?

If not, then it's not an accurate guide for your router.

Who is your ISP?

Answer these as best you can and I'll see if I can offer any additional info to you. Thanks.

edit: I just found this, it may be more helpful: http://www.my-iptv.com/us/eng/faq_05_08.php

Just ignore the stuff about IPTV (that's what the guide's for) and be sure to set the same port that uTorrent is using.

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Yes, I referenced http://portforward.com/english/routers/por...6104KLindex.htm since this one most closely resembles my routers home page. Then I click on utorrent link. Open up utorrent's option's, preference's, connections. Write down my port used for incoming transmissions. Created a static IP address, by just changing the last 2 digits of my routers isp. subnet mask Now it does mention under ipconfig if your DNS is the same as your isp then its wrong and to open up the routers status page.

When I do open my routers status, internet connection menu it shows a completely different ISP, but it does show a different DNS.

Now which is the ISP I'm supposed to go with when I input this into the routers Virtual Server setting's, the one from ipcong /all or the one from the routers status menu. Also in the guide it says to click on Virtual Server but the image is from the Port Forward menu (thats my main problem I think, that and which ISP number I'm supposed to go with.)

My ISP is TimeWarner, roadrunner.

Thanks for reading Marcos

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