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I work for a small ISP in a small town. We have been recommending malwarebytes to our customers for sometime. Some of our people are still on Dial up and with there computers eaten up with malware they cannot download the program. We would like to be able to give them a CD with the program on it. They would only get charged a very small burn fee of a few dollars to cover the cost of the CD. We are not making money off this but just want to help our customers. We would like to know if there would be any problem with this?

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Hello Mr Forrester and welcome to Malwarebytes'. I'm not one of the developers so I can't answer the question for you, I can however point you in the right direction. Please PM Rubber Ducky and he'll let you know if it's alright or not and how to go about it. Nice of you to be so considerate of your customers, by the way.

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Hello Mr Forrester and welcome to Malwarebytes'. I'm not one of the developers so I can't answer the question for you, I can however point you in the right direction. Please PM Rubber Ducky and he'll let you know if it's alright or not and how to go about it. Nice of you to be so considerate of your customers, by the way.

Thank you!

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