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Looking at prevx /webroot , trend micro , panda cloud. I think mbam should be cloud based to help detection and removal. What ever the program finds while scanning it would send it to the cloud to be determined to be safe or not. The computers that has mbam cloud would already have the new things to find because there no need for downloads update, so the turn around is faster. With less overhead on the pc due to no updates.

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Looking at prevx /webroot , trend micro , panda cloud. I think mbam should be cloud based to help detection and removal. What ever the program finds while scanning it would send it to the cloud to be determined to be safe or not. The computers that has mbam cloud would already have the new things to find because there no need for downloads update, so the turn around is faster. With less overhead on the pc due to no updates.

The concept of "Cloud" computing is overhyped and there are security concerns. The concept of "Cloud" computing is really just a marketing scheme with a lemming following.

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The Cloud concept is hype and marketing. Nothing more than a buzz word.

Focus your attention on the ability to get new signatures to detect and mitigate new threats.

Malwarebytes will focus their attention on supplying the signatures, doing so frequently and with relative high bandwidth downloads even when numerous clients are requesting updates. As long as Malwarebytes does this, as they have been doing, you, the client will have whats needed.

Malwarebytes will address what is known as Quality of Service (QoS) as well as concepts such as differential updates to make updating easier.

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