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Hi Team,

Just submitting a couple things that might help Malwarebytes detection.

If you need me to submit anything else just let me know :)


The tracking Cookies are worthless - really are.

However, if the Trojan.agents are executable files (EXE, DLL, CPL, SYS, etc), the submission would be appreciated. That I am sure of.

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Yeah I'm not concerned about the cookies but there is a DEFENDER.EXE file which SAS found but MBAM did not.

If someone from the Malwarebytes Team wants me to submit the .exe to inspect it I will gladly , otherwise it will be deleted shortly.

Like I wrote...

"if the Trojan.agents are executable files (EXE, DLL, CPL, SYS, etc), the submission would be appreciated."

If not here in Newest Malware Threats you are welcome to upload it and/or any malware to Upload Malware and if it isn't detected by MBAM, it will still get submitted to Malwarebytes.

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Hi All,

Long story short I failed to upload the sample file in a .zip to http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=100914

(Don't ask, major idiot moment..)

I have since removed the suspect file and no longer have it to provide as a sample.

I am pretty sure MBAM was running with the latest update as I always do an update before running a scan on a customer's pc.

In future I know what to do now to submit a sample.


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