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I'm not sure if this is in the correct place or not. I was just wondering if anyone has ever downloaded anything from encore software? They make the Hoyle Casino Games, Hoyle Card Games and others. What I'm wondering is if you get one of these programs from them, downloading it, not when you get the CD, you wind up with an extra icon on your computer that says "launchboonka.exe". I haven't found any antivirus or antimalware software that notices it. Though if you try to delete the icon it wont let you. The only way I have found to get rid of it is to put it in another folder, name it something else and then delete it. Just to let everyone know I talked to someone who did click on it. It completely takes over your computer. How do you get rid of this without having to actually activate it and then catch it?

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I'll have to do that and see what I find out. The main reason I question what it is, is because the desktop icon is imposible to delete if you just try and trash it. Somehow it disables the empty trash function, although if you put the icon in a folder with another name on it you can delete it just fine. I'll see what I can find out from Encore/Hoyle and if it is anything I'll let everyone know.

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