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so i just bought an alienware m14x so far iv been loving well iv only had it for a few days but last night i drained the battery for the first time to the point the laptop went into hibernation mode

so in short i get it back up and running and i turn it off and go and plug it into the charge i come back a few hours later to see its completely charged and i turn it on

so im playing on the computer and i acidently hit the power button on the power bar by my feet not a big deal even tho the computer is still plugged in but all of a sudden the screen goes black for a second and then the battery indicator switchs over to battery mode

but im curious on why the screen went black when it never did this before the battery died but i dont think anythning of it so i turn the power bar back on and the screen goes black again

for a few seconds well it switchs back over to pluged in mode on the battery indicator

so by this point im curious about why its doing this and i test it and it does it every time now that the power cord is unplugged the screen goes black for a few seconds

so i check the event viewer and i come across one titled warning and the source says kernel-processor-power

and inside the event it says

The speed of processor 0 in group 0 is being limited by system firmware. The processor has been in this reduced performance state for 5 seconds since the last report.

there is multiple instance of this warning in a row all labeled a bit differently all at the same time as this issue started a few hours ago

heres another one

The speed of processor 6 in group 0 is being limited by system firmware. The processor has been in this reduced performance state for 5 seconds since the last report.

anyway in short i dont know whats causing this does anyone else have any idea id be greatly apreciated if someone coudl shed some light on this i did some research o ngoogle but icant figure out

also of note is that the computer seems to be running perfectly fine besides this issue that cropped up all of a sudden so im not sure whats causing it

oh and im running windows 7 home premium with 8gb of ram

thanks again to anyone who has the answer

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