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I just won a pro licence and I have been trying to figure out how to set MBAM to update automatically without success.

I have checked: MBAM > Settings > Updater Settings > Download and install program update if available.

According to MBAM Help:

Download and Install Program Update if available: When this box is checked, new program and database update will be automatically downloaded and installed.

MBAM is doing the updates I have scheduled in the " Scheduler Settings ", but if I delete the settings no updates ever. Not even when booting PC.

Shouldn't MBAM look for updates when booting PC first thing like any other security program ?


MBAM just look for updates IF they are set up in the schudeler, and if so, what is the meaning of the check box ? Just to look for new version programs ?

FYI: I have reinstalled MBAM, and I have given permition to the firewall.

Thanks ahead.

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Hello and congratulations!

It sounds as if you might be confusing the d/l and install of PROGRAM updates and the d/l and install of MALWARE DEFINITIONS DATABASE updates?

(Program updates occur only a few times a year, while database updates occur 5-6 times a day -- I assume it's the latter that you wish to schedule?)

Until an MBAM staff person arrives to walk you through this, you might wish to have a look at the scheduler tutorial in the FAQ - Section O. It explains things better than I ever could. :)

And, needless to say, one has to activate the PRO version before anything can be scheduled automatically, either scans or updates. :)

(The free version is "on-demand" only.)

Please have a look at that FAQ tutorial and let us know if that resolves your issues, or not.



PS In order to optimize system performance, you'll probably also want to set up the reciprocal exclusions and permissions between MBAM PRO and Avast. Details on how to do this are located in the FAQ - Section K.

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Thanks daledoc1 for the congrats.

No, I am not confusing Programs/Database updates. I am just reading what the manual ( Help ) says.

" Download and Install Program Update if available: When this box is checked, new program and database update will be automatically downloaded and installed. "

To me if it says " Database ", they are talking about everyday malware definition updates. I could be wrong though. Nevertheless, it is a fact that my MBAM is not updating automatically when booting my PC first time during the day like any other security program.

I already have it scheduled to look for updates three times a day, and this is doing the job, but I still wonder why MBAM is not doing it by itself. I have ran my share of AV and AM in the past. Paid and free, and all paid security programs look for updates by itself when booting the PC. Hey, don't get me wrong. I won this lincence and I am happy to be able to run MBAM Pro in my PC, but I would like to know if I am missing somenthing here.

I always exclude security programs from each other. Common sense.

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Thanks for the update.

I guess this is above my pay-grade, so we'll need to wait for one of the pros to stop by.

I'm not sure there *is* a setting for MBAM to check for database updates automatically on system boot.

(That's why we need assistance from an expert. Admittedly, the text in some of the dialog boxes re: scheduling/updating could be a bit clearer.)

Until then, why not just set the scheduler to update hourly (perhaps with a silent flash scan each time)?

And, of course, you could always just run a quick MANUAL update when you boot the system?

You might also want to take a peek at this recent topic, especially the replies by forum moderator Exile360.

Sorry, as I guess that doesn't answer your question satisfactorily - I hope an MBAM staffer can better assist you.

Thanks for your patience,


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  • Root Admin

The database rules should update automatically for you each day. The program updates however will not happen automatically and AV products don't update the program without manual input from the user either. They update their database just like we do.

If your daily rules are not getting updated then that may need review to see why - normally errors are shown either actively or logged.

When there is a program update if you have it checked then it will download the new program and there is a check mark to alert you or not. But it will still require you to click and allow the program update.

Even though the option is there to check for updates on a reboot I don't personally recommend it as there is a lot of things going on at the time and it could slow down the computer start and possibly even fail if the network card is not ready when the check is made.

For now the best thing to do is probably make sure you have a good clean install by running the operation below and setting exclusions in your AV or MBAM as needed. Then daily updates for the database should happen but until there is a program update you won't be able to see that part.

Please do the following:

  • Download and run mbam-clean.exe from here
  • It will ask to restart your computer, please allow it to do so very important
  • After the computer restarts, temporarily disable your Anti-Virus and install the latest version of Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware from here
    • Note: You will need to reactivate the program using the license you were sent via email if using the Pro version
    • Launch the program and set the Protection and Registration. Then go to the UPDATE tab if not done during installation and check for updates.
      Restart the computer again and verify that MBAM is in the task tray if using the Pro version. Now setup any file exclusions as may be required in your Anti-Virus/Internet-Security/Firewall applications and restart your Anti-Virus/Internet-Security applications. You may use the guides posted in the FAQ's here or ask and we'll explain how to do it.

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@ daledoc1.

Nothing to be sorry about. I also help in a couple of other security forum and we do what we can when we can.

Thanks for the link, and your time.

@ Ron.

Thanks for dropping by Ron. I am not talking about a new program version update, and that is true, all security programs just alert that they have a new version for the program.

My daily rules were working right. Just that I thought MBAM was going to look for database updates without them if I had the check box " Look for updates" active. That wording check box or the help manual defenitivily needs to be changed. I just set a new rule to look for updates every 3 hours.

I thank you both for helping out.


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